Impact of Project Interventions

Participation of women in various training programmes and SHG activities has made significant impact on their empowerment in terms of both social and economic well-being.

Our skill development training programmes helped a number of beneficiaries find employment in various fields. We have trained members of our SHGs not only in the skills needed for income generation, but also in procedures for conducting meetings, maintenance of records and banking operations.

The annual employment available for the group members increased significantly during the post-group formation period when compared to the pre-group formation period. Such positive response in increasing employment levels is an indication of how an SHG could be a viable option for poor people.

Most women were able to increase their income levels manifold and contributed to the development of their family. In the process, many of them reported that they had a say in the financial decisions of the family, which they were not allowed to do so. All the members were getting support from their spouses, which was not available before they joined SHGs. Now women are coming out in the open to discuss their common problems, which was not possible in the absence of such group activities. This type of socio-economic impact would go a long way in improving the quality of life of the members. Now the members are more and more interested to work in a shared set up, where everyone gets equal opportunity.

Bisnouli focuses on social mobilization and institution building as a strategy of inclusion and lays emphasis on empowering women’s self-help groups in bringing about development from the grassroots level. Thrift and credit operations are very prevalent in these groups. These activities, however, need to be sustained on a long-term basis, under constant supervision, if we want their impact to be felt over a period of time. This is the aim of BSGSS and the organization and its members are constantly striving towards this.

In conclusion, we can say that micro-finance and micro-enterprise are vital elements of rural income generation programmes.